Liberty Tire Recycling 2022 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2022 Environmental, Social & Governance Report 14 ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS Our Purpose is to Repurpose To achieve our zero waste goal by 2030, Liberty Tire must not only manage waste throughout our operations but find beneficial reuse for 100% of the tires we collect including the rubber, steel, and fiber. Our focus lies in developing innovative products and fostering partnerships across diverse industries. At present, our tire recycling efforts enable us to repurpose tires into a wide range of products, including athletic surfaces, pavement applications, as well as landscape mulch and playgrounds. Moreover, tire rubber can be found in outdoor pavers, front door welcome mats, gaskets and hoses, or even transformed back into new tires. From crumb rubber that is used as a raw material in more technical industrial applications to tire derived fuel or rubberized asphalt, we create safe and useful products that drive a greener tomorrow. Paving the Way with New Asphalt Technology In 2022, Liberty Tire participated in an unprecedented project to evaluate the potential to use fibers derived from the tire recycling process in asphalt technology. This project tested a new asphalt technology that incorporates the tire fibers into our proprietary SmartMIX™ product. SmartMIX™ is a dry mix asphalt technology with well-known benefits that include 15% per ton cost reduction, an additional 3 to 5 years on an asphalt pavement’s lifecycle, more crack resistant, and easier and less expensive to install. Liberty Tire teamed up with Michigan Technological University and Ace-Saginaw Paving in St. Clair County, Michigan in September 2022 to test the performance of the addition of the recycled tire fiber to the SmartMIX™ product. The trial proved successful and resulted in the tire fiber and SmartMIX™ combination providing an overall 43% improvement in strengthening and reinforcing the mix against cracking. It was the first-of-its-kind project to beneficially reuse the tire fiber that was separated from passenger tire rubber during the granulating and tire recycling process. This project used rubber from 1,715 scrap tires and fiber collected from 2,024 scrap tires. 43% improvement in strengthening asphalt and reducing cracking when tire fiber and SmartMIX™ are combined