Liberty Tire Recycling 2022 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2022 Environmental, Social & Governance Report 26 Liberty Tire’s commitment to improving its energy productivity by 25% over 10 years establishes the company as a leader in efficiency and helps strengthen the nation’s manufacturing competitiveness.” BECCA JONES-ALBERTUS – ACTING DIRECTOR, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING OFFICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ACCELERATING ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Better Plants Program Liberty Tire proudly participates as a program partner with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings, Better Plants Program. Our collaboration aligns us with more than 270 companies and industrial organizations nationwide, all committed to setting ambitious goals for energy, water, waste, and carbon reduction. As part of the Better Plants Program, we are committed to improving the energy efficiency of our U. S. operations by 25% over a 10-year period. There are many benefits to Liberty Tire’s participation in this program including technical support to develop energy management plans, engagement with peers at annual events, in-plant trainings, and access to energy-saving resources. By increasing our energy efficiency through this program, we expect to realize cost savings which is supportive of our business strategy.