Liberty Tire Recycling 2022 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2022 Environmental, Social & Governance Report 41 OPERATING RESPONSIBLY To keep our promises to our workforce and the community at large, we choose to operate in a responsible manner. We strive to do our work ethically and with integrity not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because it mitigates risks for our employees and customers while fostering organizational resiliency. Business Ethics Liberty Tire believes that conducting our business ethically contributes to greater business performance and builds trust with our employees and our customers. Recycling of tires is a highly regulated industry, and we take those commitments very seriously. Liberty Tire works with numerous regulatory authorities across the U.S. and Canada to ensure our business practices meet applicable local, state, provincial and federal regulations. In addition, suppliers are expected to adhere to Liberty Tire’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which is distributed annually. To uphold our core values and conduct business with integrity, Liberty Tire follows a comprehensive company-wide Code of Conduct. This essential document communicates our philosophy and commitment to employees, customers, stakeholders, and communities. As part of our commitment to ethical practices, applicable employees and Board members are required to undergo Code of Conduct, Antitrust, and other appropriate legal training annually, reinforcing the importance of conducting business under all ethical and legal guidelines. ` Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships ` Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosures to regulatory agencies and in our other public communications ` Compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations ` The prompt internal reporting of violations ` Accountability for adherence In case of any violations of ethical standards, including conflicts of interest, Liberty Tire provides multiple avenues for its employees, vendors and customers to report concerns. This includes a Compliance Hotline or the option to speak directly to a supervisor or business point of contact. We are dedicated to fostering an environment where employees feel safe and encouraged to report any issues, and we assure them that there will be no retaliation for raising legitimate concerns. Liberty Tire maintains an Employee Handbook to reinforce the Code of Conduct and further explain internal policies. The Employee Handbook provides general information and guidelines on protocols including: ` Equal Opportunity Employer Policy ` Employment Practices and Procedures ` Employee Conduct ` Use of Facilities ` Leave Policy ` Benefits ` Pay Practices ` Safety and Security ` Termination of Employment ` Conflicts of Interest These guidelines above are in addition to rules and procedures negotiated through collective bargaining agreements with our unionized employees, making up 14.8% of our workforce.