Liberty Tire Recycling 2022 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2022 Environmental, Social & Governance Report 44 APPENDIX Liberty Tire’s work aligns with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which were adopted in 2015 as a movement to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure all people experience peace and prosperity by 2030. Specifically, we have identified four of the goals that our work impacts and have detailed those relationships below. 6. Providing an Alternative to Fossil Fuels ` Increased utilization of tire-derived fuel reduces the amount of fossil fuel being used Responsibly Managing End-of-Life Tires ` Reduce pressure on communities to site, build, and maintain landfills by diverting end-of-life tires ` Remediate illegal tire dump and disposal sites within communities ` As tires are necessary for all aspects of transportation of goods and humans within a society, Liberty Tire provides a solution to reclaim, recycle, and reuse end-of-life tires. Environmental Stewardship Throughout the Life Cycle of a Tire ` Reduce waste generation from end-of-life tires ` Create useful products from end-of-life tires ` Natural rubber, a renewable natural resource, comprises 19% of passenger vehicle tires and 34% of truck tires. 6 Tire manufacturers are working with farmers around the globe to promote the responsible cultivation of rubber. Avoiding Greenhouse Gas Emissions ` Reduce number of endof-life tires that would otherwise go to landfill ` Creating beneficial products from end-of-life tires avoids greater CO2 emissions than products produced by virgin alternatives