Liberty Tire Recycling 2022 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2022 Environmental, Social & Governance Report 56 SASB INDEX Topic SASB Code Disclosure Accounting Metric Metric or Qualitiative Disclosure Greenhouse Gas Emissions TR-RO-110a.1 IF-WM-110a.1 (1) Gross global Scope 1 emissions, (2) percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations, and (3) emissions-reporting regulations 1) 58,077 Metric tons (t) CO2-e 2) 0% - No emissions were covered under emissions-limiting regulation. 3) 0% - No emissions were covered under emissions-reporting regulation. None of Liberty Tire Recycling’s sites exceed the reporting thresholds for emissions-limiting regulation or emissions-reporting regulation. Greenhouse Gas Emissions IF-WM-110a.2 1) Total landfill gas generated, (2) percentage flared, (3) percentage used for energy Not applicable: Liberty Tire does not own or operate any municipal solid waste landfill operations and has no landfill gas generated at any location. Greenhouse Gas Emissions IF-WM-110a.3 TR-RO-110a.2 Discussion of long-term and shortterm strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Our sustainability goals are aligned with our business strategy and our primary focus is zero waste by 2030. We define this as having all end-of-life tires reaching secondary markets and zero being disposed of in landfills. We will do this by adding processing capabilities to move product up the value chain and to continue working with our customers and industry partners on supporting emerging technologies and creating new products and markets for recycled tire material. We have set a target to reduce our energy intensity by 25% by 2032 which will also reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our recycling operations. The primary mechanism for achieving our 2030 target includes capital investments in operational efficiency technologies in our tire shredding operations, conversion to LED lighting in all of our facilities, improving compressed air management and leveraging power factor and peak demand opportunities. In the short term, all Liberty operating facilities have a goal of implementing one energy efficiency project in calendar year 2023. These projects will be shared throughout the organization and evaluated for their contribution to our emissions reduction efforts. A second target has been set to improve fleet efficiency by 30% by 2032. We will accomplish this goal through the use of alternative fuels, route optimization, reducing the idle time of our fleet and improving our fuel efficiency. While we will continue to monitor the opportunities for electrification, today that is not feasible due to the limited range of the vehicles and infrastructure available. These company-wide goals were set in 2022 and performance against these targets has not yet been recorded. Additionally, each site was given a goal to reduce energy usage at their location. Details surrounding these efforts and results will be documented in future EDG reports. Greenhouse Gas Emissions TR-RO-110a.3 IF-WM-110b.1 1) Fleet fuel consumed, (2) percentage naturalgas, (3) percentage renewable 1) 731,291 GJ 2) 0% 3) 2.9% Fleet Fuel Management IF-WM-110b.2 Percentage of alternative fuel vehicles in fleet 0% We continue to investigate opportunities for alternatively fueled vehicles in our fleet. The current limitations in electrification as it relates to vehicle mileage and existing infrastructure do not make this feasible at the present time. Our intention is to research the use of hydrogen technology as a possible alternative in the 2023-2024 calendar years.