Liberty Tire Recycling 2023 ESG Report

Liberty Tire Recycling | 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 39 ACCELERATING ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Handprint Our Handprint (Scope 4) calculations quantify the avoided emissions resulting from the use of Liberty’s recycled products compared to the manufacture and use of alternatives made with virgin materials. Choosing the products we manufacture from recycled, end-of-life tires results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions for our customers and the consumer. Each category below identifies the amount of emissions avoided by using the recycled products sold by Liberty Tire Recycling in 2023. The use or application of Liberty Tire Recycling’s products avoided: 874,435 metric tons of CO2-e in 2023 Liberty Tire Recycling’s handprint currently includes 88% of total volume sold * Includes Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 Categories 3-9 Resold Tires -175,012 CO2-e Rubber Mats -178,543 CO2-e Tire-Derived Fuel -139,396 CO2-e Asphalt Alternatives -61,831 CO2-e Recovered Steel Wire -258,061 CO2-e 2023 GHG Emissions 342,340 CO2-e to produce our products* Rubber Mulch -31,907 CO2-e (annually)