Liberty Tire Recycling | 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 68 SASB INDEX Workforce Health and Safety Accident and Safety Management IF-WM-320a.3 TR-RO-540a.1 Number of road accidents and incidents Road accidents and incidents in 2023: 70 DOT accidents per million miles in 2023: 30 or 1.38 per million miles Total preventable accidents in 2023: 23 or 1.06 per million miles Preventable DOT accidents in 2023: 9 or 0.41 per million miles Driver Working Conditions TR-RO-320a.2 1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for all employees Liberty Tire Recycling had a turnover rate for permanent employees of 51%. This figure is not tracked by voluntary or involuntary. Driver Working Conditions TR-RO-320a.3 Description of approach to managing short-term and long-term driver health risks Refer to "Keeping Our People Safe" section of 2023 ESG report Recycling and Resource Recovery IF-WM-420a.1 (1) Amount of waste incinerated, (2) percentage hazardous, (3) percentage used for energy recovery Not applicable: Liberty Tire Recycling does not incinerate any materials. Recycling and Resource Recovery IF-WM-420a.2 Percentage of customers receiving (1) recycling and (2) composting services, by customer type (1) 100% (99% Commercial; 1% Residential) (2) 0% Recycling and Resource Recovery IF-WM-420a.3 Amount of material (1) recycled, (2) composted, and (3) processed as waste-to-energy 1)1,517,803 Metric Tons 2) 0 3) 0 78.4% of our total pounds collected was recycled. Recycling and Resource Recovery IF-WM-420a.4 Amount of electronic waste collected, percentage recovered through recycling Liberty Tire Recycling's operations do not include electronics recycling. However, we conducted an internal electronics recycling event in 2023 and collected 1,072 pounds of e-waste to recycle. Accident and Safety Management TR-RO-540a.3 1) Number and (2) aggregate volume of spills and releases to the environment 1) 1 2) Approximately 30-40 gallons of diesel fuel A driver hit an off-site fire hydrant with truck and ruptured fuel tank. The spilled fuel volume was estimated to be 30-40 gallons. The local fire department responded promptly and spill was cleaned up.